What Kinds of Factors Affect Your Indoor Air Quality and How Can You Improve It?

Indoor air quality can be affected by many factors such as:


  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from paints, cleaning supplies, and other household products.
  • Dust and allergens such as mold, pet dander, and pollen.
  • Radon gas that can seep into the home through cracks in the foundation.
  • Combustion sources such as gas stoves, fireplaces, and tobacco smoke.


To improve indoor air quality, you can:


  • Ventilate your home regularly to bring in fresh outdoor air.
  • Use low-emitting products and materials to reduce VOCs.
  • Keep your home clean and dust-free by vacuuming regularly and wiping down surfaces.
  • Install air purifiers and use high-efficiency filters in heating and cooling systems.
  • Test for and address radon gas levels.
  • Avoid smoking indoors and limit the use of fireplaces and gas stoves.


Ask Your HVAC Technician For Advice on Air Filtration When You Contact Us.


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